You already know your own answers.

I believe we come into this life with the answers to every question we could ask ourselves.

Somewhere along the way, others have convinced us that they know better for us.


That's not true at all. AT ALL.


Your soul knows. You just have to remember that -and- learn to trust that knowing deeply.


I've got a treasure trove of ways to help you build that trust in yourself. Whether through engaging courses, insightful journals, or personalized readings, you'll discover just what you need right here.

Intuitive Readings from one of the best!

Connect with your Guides & Teachers in Spirit and receive down-to-earth, actionable guidance.

More information at the links below.

30-minute Session

60-minute Session

Deep work for Bold Souls!

Ready for something truly transformative?

This 90-minute recorded session brings ten powerful Archangels to dig in, climb up, and get answers and steps!

Like nothing you've ever experienced!

Learn More and Book Your Session Here!

Learn to read Oracle Cards Intuitively!

Confidently develop your unique approach to reading oracle cards. Watch this recorded 90-minute workshop packed with info + examples.

Audio, video, and workbook inside!

Click here to find out more!

What the heck is a Spirit Guide Reading and why should I get one from you?

You know something isn’t quite working but can’t figure out what it is. You’ve analyzed dreams, read oracle cards and asked all your intuitive friends for advice.  

And still you can’t make any sense of what’s going on.

Enter your Guides & Teachers! These Divine Beings are here to support you with clarity, possibilities and love. 

I am a divine mediator and can easily access the spirit realm just as well as the physical. The agreement I’ve made with the Spirit Guide teams is that any guidance that comes through me needs to be relevant to everyday life. Otherwise, why even get it?

I record the call for you and send the MP3 within 24 hours so you can sit back and enjoy the connection with the Divine energy.  There are a lot of intuitive readers out there and you’ll vibe with some and not with others. It’s all about the energy.


My focus has always been on practical information from your Guide team. You won’t get “your aura is pink and there’s love all around you” from me (nice as that might be) because it doesn’t help create the change you seek.

When we talk, I’ll bring the full force of my formidable channeling skills and my compassionate heart, meeting you in the space of what is possible.

You’ll leave with clarity, affirmation that you can trust what you’re receiving and steps to take to see change in your life.

That's my sacred promise to you!

Find your answers within.

Learn to recognize and decode the signs you're opening up to Spirit. Explore what that means for you and gain clarity and peace. Download your free Spiritual Awakening Journal now!

YEY! Look for an email from me soon!

I create pretty 
(and pretty useful!) things

Digital Journals + Guide Books

Positively Radiant: 30 Days to see
life through a different lens

Celebrating You: A Path to Self-Love

The Intuitive Path: 30 Days of Reflection and Trust

Prompt Books available on Amazon

Dive: A journey of Self-Discovery

Float: Celebrate Now

Not Just Another Gratitude Journal

Coming soon!

Lisa, the Practical Intuitive

Back in the early days of my work, I channeled a 20-page dissertation about my friend's Spirit Guide team, replete with visuals and commentary from the Guides themselves. It was a masterpiece!


When I gave it to her, she said, "This is lovely, and I thank you so much. What am I supposed to do with it?" and  I thought, "Yeah, what ARE you supposed to do with it?


And 'lo, the Practical Intuitive was born!


The whole point of guidance from Spirit is to support you in transforming your life. If it's only pretty words and pleasant thoughts, it's missed the mark.


With over 20 years (lifetimes?) of connecting with Spirit and 100% trust with the guidance I receive, I am your advocate for profound transformation.


You'll walk away from our work with clarity, new perspectives, and next steps - AND - we'll have a ton of fun doing it!


(Did you know Spirit has a magnificent sense of humor?)


My A's to Your Q's!

How can I learn to trust myself enough to connect with my Spirit Guides?Start wherever you are! That's the key. Check out some of the digital products I've created that will help you access your inner knowing (aka: Higher Self / Intuitive Self) more. Visit the Feisty Fairy Godmother site - or - the FFG Etsy store and see what calls to you! (New stuff is added all the time!)

How can we work together?I offer personalized one-to-one sessions where I act as a channel for your Guides and Teachers in Spirit. They'll provide answers to your questions, suggest possibilities and give you guidance for your next steps. They'll also remind you of how you can work with them for easier (and faster!) transformation.  I'm a blindingly clear channel, so you might feel as if we're all sitting at a table in Starbucks, having a casual chat!

I also offer mentoring sessions for burgeoning inuitives or just fine-tune your skills. I'm all yours for 30 or 60 minutes and we can cover a lot of ground in that time so don't be shy! (More here: 30 minutes - or 60 minutes)

How can I contact you?I'm always around on Lisa [at] lisamw [dot] com. Chat me up!

Are you offering any classes or workshops?Best way to know what's happening in LisaWorld is to subscribe to the coolest email list around (mine!) for details and discounts. Scroll on up and hop on!